Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. --Colossians 3:2
Since I have had many people ask me about it, I want to share with you my thoughts about last week’s election. First of all I realize that many of you are discouraged by the results. It seems that more and more we in the Church are finding that values based on the Bible are no longer embraced by a majority of our fellow citizens, especially when it comes to being pro-life and pro-traditional marriage and family. But here is the way I see it. We know from the Bible that in the last days things are going to get worse not better. That is why the above Scripture is so important. We as Christian need to put our thoughts on things above, not on things on the earth.
Now, don’t get me wrong I don’t believe for a second that we should just give up. After all I have a 15 year old son that I want to see grow up and be a godly man and to have everything that being an American can give him! But I also understand that there is a sovereign God who has a plan that has already been set in motion. So when I vote, I pray, I become familiar with the issues and what a candidate stands for. But I surrender the outcome to God. And then I pray for the men and women God has put in power!
I also have figured out that I can never count on a godly example from the world. So I as a husband and a father must be the godly role model to my family. My home is a Christian home and nothing that happens in the world will change that. I am determined to do everything in my power to see that my son is a believer. That means I must always be on guard to stand against the enemy of my Christian home! I will not count on a president or any other governmental leader to help me stand as a true believer in God! I’m calling on every leader of a Christian family whether you are a dad, a mom, a grandfather, or grandmother to be a living example of what a Christian is how a Christian lives!