Monday, November 17, 2008

1/100th of a second!

Yesterday, right in the middle of my message the Holy Spirit brought something to my mind. (How do you know it was the Holy Spirit? Believe me I'm not that quick on my feet or able to think that fast!) I was sharing from Corinthians: "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:52 NKJV) The focus of my message was that too often when we are taught about the rapture we are taught in such a way as to scare us with the "threat" of Jesus' return, however, when I read the defining scripture about the rapture, we are told to "comfort one another" with our beliefs about Jesus appearing.

I was talking about how fast Jesus will come and how fast we will be changed and taken to heaven. I had read that the twinkling of an eye was as short as 1/100th of a second. And then it occurred to me, right there in front of everyone, that we are really only 1/100th of a second away from the rapture. When could the rapture happen? Within the next 1/100th of a second. Think about it! When we say that Jesus could come at any second this is literally true! Although, technically we are a 1/99th of a second off.

So the challenge, are we living in such a way that we actually believe He is only 1/100th of a second away!

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