Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Becoming the Person God Wants Me to Be

For a long time now I have felt the challenge of the Lord to become the kind of person God wants me to be. Which after being a believer since I was eight years old, you would think I had figured out how to do that. But guess what? Not that I haven’t been trying, it is just that no matter how much I try I still find it hard to elude the wickedness of my heart. But in searching the scripture I have found that there is a very simple method that God wants me to practice that will help me become the person He wants me to be. It is so simple that I am surprised that I have missed it. (Well, on second thought, I’m not sure I really missed it as much as I resisted it) The Bible gives several directives to examination of who we are and the things we do. As a matter of fact, self-examination is included in the celebration of the communion, which we are told to carry out on a regular basis. In other words, God wants us to take the time to examine life regularly.

So over the next few weeks I am going to be bringing a series of messages during the Sunday services which will challenge us in the areas of life we should examine. These messages may be hard to receive because one or more of these areas will probably hit close to home. I know that because they all do that to me. So for the rest of this month lets just consider the things God will speak to us as taking a journey together. Sometimes we will cry together, and sometimes we will laugh together. The reason I bring that up is because self examination has to be real and will probably reveal things we would rather deny, but as we share together it will be easier to see the truth of who we are and the areas we must surrender to God. So I wrote this as a way of asking permission to meddle into your life as we talk about becoming the person God wants you to be. Can you handle it? I hope so because in the end it will be worth it!

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