Monday, March 14, 2011

Under the Tree

So in case you missed it we found out yesterday that when the serpent was tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, Adam was right there…

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. --Genesis 3:6 (NIV)

He was only as far away from her as the reach of her hand with the fruit! So while the Devil was tempting his wife, Adam was standing right there under the tree doing…nothing! I wonder how many wives there are in our churches under the attack of the enemy while the husband is right there doing nothing. I wonder how many children are struggling in their faith and the enemy is doing his number on them while Dad stands by doing nothing. I wonder how many churches and pastors are under attack from the forces of evil while the men of the Church stand by doing nothing.

Guys, to some this may sound chauvinistic, but we are the ones appointed by God to stand up and protect our wife, our kids, and our Church when they need it. I wonder what would happen to Eastside Assembly of God if the men got really serious about their faith. Imagine a Church where young men had role models of what it means to be a real man of faith, a godly husband and father. Imagine a Church where the men were doing spiritual battle.

I also believe there is a message in this for the whole Church, not just the guys…we live in a world that is dying and going to hell. Just like Adam, the Church is right there just letting it happen. Perhaps we are afraid, perhaps we worry what others will think, perhaps we don’t think it will make any difference, and perhaps there will be a too heavy a price to pay!

When I pastored in Bellevue, everyday I looked across the parking lot and saw a school. And I kept hearing how bad things where in the district. One day as I was praying God showed me that the Church was the last line of defense for the children of our community…if we didn’t do something then no one else would. I believe that to be no different in our world…we the Church, are the last line of defense against the sin and corruption of our nation and our world. Why are we just standing under the tree?

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