Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Something From God

As I was reflecting on last Sunday's Business Meeting I remembered something I have kept with me. It is a prophecy given in January 2008, one year after I arrived as Pastor of Eastside. Mary Massie gave this message, She has since been promoted to heaven. It still speaks to me about what God wants from us as a Church!

My children, I desire for you to know this day that I am opening a doorway – a doorway for the beginning of why this work was established here. I brought you here as foundational stones and I cemented you in by My Holy Spirit, but I am bringing other stones and I am setting them in amongst your midst. I ask of you to bring them in with you. Show them their place. Help them to find that place because there’s a flood coming.

There was a reason that I established this work here and it is time for its beginning, but you must be ready. I will not bring the wounded and the lost here if you are not ready to love them into My Kingdom, if you are not ready to mentor them and to disciple them. I am bringing others alongside of you. Welcome them into the Kingdom here where you congregate. This is My house, a house of sanctuary, a house of praise. It is a house of prayer. Get on your knees and cry out for the lost. My heart breaks, and I hear their cries – many around you. This is not a place to come and receive and go home in smugness, but it’s a place to receive and become strong.

I say to you My children, your love is there within your heart but let it break free. Let it go in and out of your midst and let it go out among those who need you. I say to you My children, My love for you is so strong, but it’s time for you to stand. Strengthen your legs. Strengthen your arms. Let your voice be heard out there among the lost. They are hungry for something and they don’t know His Name. But you know it. It’s in your heart. I say to you, go out and declare. Jesus is My Son, and He’s calling them to Him. Hear My words and heed them, My children.

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