Tuesday, January 27, 2015

For All of My Friends...

So I have a confession to make…sometimes I have an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Not the kind that comes from actually being alone but the kind that in a crowd of people I still feel. In thinking back I realize it started in the summer of 2013 when I was in the hospital. In the time I was very sick and believed I might not survive I realized that if I was to die I was going to go through it alone. Even with my family and medical people around my bed it was only me facing my sickness. No one could do it for me and no one could actually know how I was feeling. For a brief moment in time I experienced such intense loneliness that I am at a loss of words to describe it…It would not surprise me to find out that these feelings were similar to what Jesus felt on the cross when He cried out asking His Father why He had forsaken Him. And since that experience from time to time those feelings come back to me.

I write about this not to be a victim of those feelings but to share with you some things I have discovered and a personal mission I have decided to undertake. Very simply I don’t want any of my friends to feel like nobody cares about them. So I am making it my goal that all the people I love, know it…then in the dark of night when they may think no one cares they might remember that I do. For all we know on any given day we might be the only person who has told someone they are loved. For me even knowing that one person cares would be enough. And I am determined to take the opportunity when it comes to maybe be that one.

So to all of my family and friends…that’s a lot of people! You are loved by me…you cannot say nobody cares!

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